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Margaret Wheatley

Show 14: Yoga for Aid Workers (selfcare practice 1)
May 25th, 2016
Outline of show


0.00 - 4.20: opening of emergency aidio with outline of key topic covering Yoga for Aid Workers

4.20 - 7.40:  (song) Anatole - Here for this

7.40 - 45.20: opening up discussion with Donna Williams what is the essence of yoga, key health benefits of a yoga practice and debunking myth busters

45.50 - 49.00: (song) Bel - Dazed

49.00 - 1.06.10: thoughts and reflections from Donna Williams around cultivating a regular practice of yoga, and all about emergency yoga

1.06.10- 1.08.10: round up of the show

1.08.10 -1.11.30: (song) True Vibenation - This is our world




Born to parents with wanderlust and some distant gypsy blood, Donna grew up traveling across Australia in a bench seat, column shift Ford Falcon. Six schools and a near explusion from university later, her compulsion for making the planet 'right' has gifted her a career in the humanitarian world and a growing passion to spread the yoga vibe. Open to a life of possibilities and a belief that love does indeed conquer all, she spends her time trying to fugure out how to create world peace one love at a time. 




Here for this
True Vibenation
This is our world
Show 12: World Humanitarian Summit Special (Day1)
May 23rd, 2016


This first of a part of the World Humanitarian Summit Special - Day 1 will be focused on discussing the critical challenges surrounding mental health, sexual violence and wellbeing as aid workers. 

We will have guests Amy Brathwaite director of the documentary "Kick at the Darkness", Megan Nobert founder of Report the Abuse campaign which is focused on sexual violence affecting aid workers. Alongisde this will we have Amandine Roche a peacemaker and founder of Amanuddin in Afghanistan and Samara Andrade humanitarian and yoga teacher suporting aid workers in the field.  



Outline of show


0.00 - 5.40: opening of emergency aidio with outline of key topic covered on World Humanitarian Summit Special - Day 1

5.40 - 8.30:  (song) Chymes - Oracle

8.30 - 20.50: thoughts and reflections from Amy Brathwaite about World Humanitarian Summit consultation and where do we stand with health and wellbeing on the agenda?

20.50 - 24.25: (song) Mid Ayr - My Mayhem

24.25 - 48.05: thoughts and reflections from Amandine Roche and Samara Andrade surrounding mental health and wellbeing of aid across the sector

48. 05 - 51.28: (song) Izzy Stewart - Fences

51.28- 1.04.10: thoughts and reflections from Megan Nobert surrounding sexual violence across the aid sector

1.06.08 -1.09.47: (song) Brayden Sibbald - Maybe I was small


Izzy Stewart
Show 13: World Humanitarian Summit Special (Day2)
May 24th, 2016


Day two of the World Humanitarian Summit Special will be focused on discussing the increasing operational complexity of insecure environments which humanitarian organisations are working in and the challenges this faces for aid workers on the frontline by looking at the area of safety and security. 

We will have guests Pauline Chetcuti who is the Head of Humanitarian Advocacy for Action Contre la Faim (ACF) and Rebecca Maudling who is the Director for International Location Safety (ILS). 



Outline of show


0.00 - 4.20: opening of emergency aidio with outline of key topic covered on World Humanitarian Summit Special - Day 2

5.40 - 8.00:  (song) Anatole - Colours

8.00 - 22.50: thoughts and reflections from Pauline Chetcuti from ACF and Rebecca Maudling from ILS about where protection, safety and security of aid workers stand on the World Humanitarian Summit the agenda?

22.50 - 27.45: (song) Tim Moore - On our Hands

27.45 - 38.50: discussions on protection, safety and security of aid workers continue with Pauline Chetcuti and Rebecca Maudling 

38. 05 - 42.30: (song) Peta & the Wolves - Verbal wars

42..30- 52.15: Update on advoacy efforts ACF and ILS will be taking forward at the World Humanitarian Summit  

52.15 - 56.30: (song) L-fresh the lion - Survive


Tim Moore
On our Hands
Peta & the Wolves
Verbal wars
L-fresh the Loin
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Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

Copyright © 2014 THE HEALTHY NOMAD. 

All rights reserved. 

Please remember positive energy and good karma. Peace + Love. xo 

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